Virtual Organizing Services

Virtual organizing has advantages for some people – read here to find out if it might be a fit for you.

Virtual Organizing? How could that possibly work?

Person holding phone preparing for a virtual call

You plan for a 3-hour session. At the start time, we have a 1/2 hour FaceTime call. You show me the space at your comfort level, we talk through the goals for the space, and the session, and any difficult items that might come up.

We get you set up with your *Discard *Donate *Relocate * Keep* plan. We practice making decisions together. You have the chance to pick my brain about whatever is on your mind.

After that 1/2 hour, I leave you to it. At the end of your 3 hours, I request photos by text, which gives you a sense of urgency, and accountability, which really helps the process for most people.

Virtual organizing is a great jumpstart for an organizing day, and a great way to pick the brain of your favorite organizer if you just need outside perspective and want to get the juices flowing!

Why Virtual Organizing?

  • Can feel less intrusive

  • More privacy

  • You control what's shared

  • Lowers anxiety

  • More flexible scheduling

  • Shorter sessions SAVE time and money

    Looking for in-person services? Click here

Phone ready to go
mom on virtual organizing session on couch with two kids

It could be a good fit for you if:

*You can physically do the organizing

*You need help getting started

*You are overwhelmed and need a plan of attack

*You are working to build systems, increase productivity, or improve time management

*You can never “find the time” but accountability would make a difference

*You are struggling with specific categories and need feedback from a pro

What do I need?

Have a phone or laptop ready

Phone or Laptop

You will either send me photos and we will speak over the phone, or we will will work via video chat:

Zoom, Facetime, or Skype.

Either way, you are showing me your space and we are working together in real time!

Trash bags and boxes (photo of dog in box)

Trash Bags and Boxes

You are going to have lots of discards, donations, and items that need a new home elsewhere or need to be processed later! I recommend white kitchen bags for trash, black bags and cardboard boxes for donations and laundry baskets for items that are relocating

Post it notes and sharpies

Post-Its, Sharpies, Notepads

Labels and reminders are going to help you remember what’s what from session to session. I’ll be taking notes on my end too!

Get a Free Consultation

Set up a free phone consultation to talk about your specific situation, and see if we are a good fit, so that we can get you set up to hit the ground running in your first session! Let’s move you towards order, peace, and a home you treasure! Feel free to call if that’s better for you:

717-699-8414 or email: [email protected]

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